There are several methods for induction of labor, divided into medical and surgical. In the surgical method, there is called as sweeping of membrane or stripping, where you insert fingers in between the amniotic membrane and the uterus and this causes the production of prostaglandin and this induces labor. The other surgical method of induction is to do artificial rupture of membranes. For this you have to do a good Bishop’s score. Not everything about indication, the success and the failure of induction depends on the Bishops score. If you are aware of Bishop’s score, you must be aware that this patient will respond to your induction. When the score is less than 6, it is likely that she is going to respond to your induction. In the medical method of induction, we can use prostaglandin, which is a new drug and a very useful drug in induction of labor. There are any methods of using it. You can use it vaginally, orally, injectable, depending on your choice.
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