My dollar goes a long way at the Center
Written by Dymond Redd, Marketing & Communication Associate at the Cancer Wellness Center
Ryan Carey first heard of the Cancer Wellness Center after his dad, who had been diagnosed with stomach cancer, started utilizing the programs and services. One of the biggest benefits of the Center was knowing there was a community of people helping his dad care for his physical and mental well-being. Ryan’s involvement quickly grew from a proud Do-It-Yourself (DIY) fundraiser, raffling off Super Bowl squares with friends or asking for donations in honor of his dad, to being an active member of the Associate Board.
Since joining, Ryan has become a part of an amazing community of professionals, many of whom have been touched by cancer themselves. “I am always amazed by the energy that people bring, their willingness to give their time, their skills, and their money to give back to the Center, while also navigating their own personal lives.”
Ryan is enthusiastic about the Associate Board’s decision to focus their fundraising efforts to support programming for young adults impacted by cancer.
“I think all adults could use a little support, and then you add a cancer diagnosis during your formative years and that can completely change your definition of who you are and how you see the world or what the world can be.”
Ryan describes the Center as a place that can help answer all the in-between questions that someone might be too nervous about or unsure of how to ask their cancer care team.
“The Center has a soft spot in my heart not only because of what it did for my dad or my family, but because being on the Associate Board, you can see what the fundraising efforts turn into as far as expanding services, renovating facilities, or hiring a new therapist. You see what the money goes towards and that is meaningful.”
Ryan sees his continued fundraising efforts for the Center as a chance to give to an organization that needs and intentionally uses funding to help anyone impacted by cancer find a way forward. “My dollar goes a long way with an organization like this.”